Our Story

It was fall of 1979, I was a student at ISUE (Indiana State University Evansville, back then before it became USI, University of Southern Indiana).  One day between my classes as I was walking to University Center Building, I saw the most beautiful, blue eyes and blond hair girl that I had ever seen. She was walking with another boy, I guess they were on their way to one of their classes.  Thinking to myself she already has a boyfriend.  During the next few weeks, I saw her around campus and in the rec room in the basement of University Center.  She was always sitting with the same boy or playing pool.

Until one day in the rec room I noticed that she was sitting at a table with her boyfriend and another boy playing Uno, so I built up my courage and asked them if they need a fourth hand, they said yes and I met everyone.   Her name was Karen, the boy she was always with was Steve, and the other guy was Phil.  It was a good day we played Uno for couple of hours then everyone had to go to their next class.

During the next few weeks, I saw Karen and Steve in the rec room many time, we all talked, played pool and uno.  This was when I found out that Steve was not Karen’s boyfriend and they were just friends from high school.   At that time one of my classes was at night; one day we were at the rec room, I noticed Karen was a little upset, to find out that she also had a night class same night as me, and he car was broken and she didn’t have a ride home after her night class, so I offered to give her a ride home that night.  I used to live in an apartment with my cousin off First Ave. behind Airway (before it became Target, and I have no idea what it is now).  Found out that Karen also lives off First Ave. not too far from me.

I still did not know Karen’s last name or her phone number, back then there were no cell phones, land lines only.  But I knew her address, 5032 Stratford Road, where I dropped her off after school.   Back in those days there was no internet, ISUE used to publish a University Phone Book every year that listed all the students, name, address, and phone numbers, with over 3000 students listed.  Now I had a mission to find Karen’s last name and phone number.   Starting with letter “A”, I searched every name in that phone book looking for Karen’s address until I found it under letter “H”, her last name was Hobson, and now I had her phone number too, it took me several days to find it, but it was worth it.  I never called her, I could never build up the courage, besides, I was never good at calling girls anyway, so I was patiently waiting for the right time, as the saying goes “Good things comes to those who wait”.

Weeks went by, it was now spring semester of 1980.  It was the Valentines day, I had gone to Airway to buy something, when I got back to my car to leave I found a note on my windshield, it said “Happy Valentines Day” and was signed Karen.  I thought to myself, this is now the right time to call.   When I got back home, I called her and thanked her for the note and wished Happy Valentines Day.  We talked a little bit longer, then I asked her if she wasn’t doing anything that night, if she wants to go see a movies, and she said yes, but she said she will have her friend Barb and asked me to get one of my friends, so 4 of us can go.   So, now my new mission was to find a friend who is free on Valentine’s day and doesn’t already have a date or doing something.  I called everyone I knew, couldn’t find anyone who was free that night, I was striking out.  Then I thought of my next door neighbor, couple of guys just moved to Evansville from Chicago couple of months ago, one of them Gene was still looking for a job.   I checked and Gene was available, but he didn’t have any money to spend on a movie, so I loaned him $20 (of course I never saw that $20 back).

Gene and I met Karen and Barb at the movie theater in North Park, we went and saw a movie, honestly, I don’t remember what movie we saw, or even cared, all I remember was that I was so happy that I was out with my dream girl.   After the movie we went to one of the restaurants in North Park and had soft drinks, I remember, Karen and Barb sat on one side of the table, and Gene and I the other side.   After couple of soft drinks, we all parted and went home.

The following week, I called Karen and asked if she wants to go to dinner, so we now have our official first date.  I was very impressed when I went to pick her up, her dad wanted to meet me first, wanting to know what type of a person his daughter is going out with.  This was telling me how good of a family they are and with family standards that I was raised with and valued.  After our dinner date when I was dropping Karen off at the house, she gave me a quick little kiss, and out of the car and ran to the house, I didn’t even get a chance to get out of my car and walk her to the door.

After couple of more dates, we started spending everyday together and we were inseparable.  I knew then that I was in love and this was the girl I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with, I had found my soulmate.   We got married on July 11th of 1981, it was one of the best days of my life, we took an oath till death do us apart, and unfortunately it did on March 3rd of 2020, which was the worst day of my life.  On that day I lost my soulmate and heaven gained a new angel, the best angel ever.