Cassie & Matt

It December of 1988, Karen and I have been married for about 7.5 years, we were both graduated from USI and both had good jobs.  I was working at ARC Construction, and Karen was working at the Health Department.  We were ready for kids now and trying to have our first child, but no luck yet.   On a weekend, there was a psychic convention going on, one of my friends “ED” he was working as one of the people getting it setup and working there.  I needed to pick up a computer hardware part that I needed, and he happened to have an extra one.  So I met him at this convention to get the computer part from him.  While there I asked about what was going on, so he explained and said if I wanted to talk to a psychic, talk to this certain guy, that he was supposed to be the best and know for being a clairvoyant.  I personally did not believe in fortune telling and things like that, but since Ed had suggested, I spent $10 and talked with this guy.  He did the tarot cards for me, he told me I was married, DAAA, I am wearing a wedding ring, he said a few things about my job and that my wife and I are trying to have a child, which was easily predictable.  Then he said, I am going to meet a girl, she is a Capricorn and I will madly fall in love with her, but then he said, the funny thing is that your wife won’t mind you being in love with this girl, she is ok with it.   I was thinking to myself, what kind of horse shit is that, I fall in love with another woman and Karen being find with it, what universe are you from dude.

Then in January of 1990, Cassie was born, she was a Capricorn, it was love at first sight, and amazingly Karen was okay with it.  That day in the hospital was when I remembered what this guy said over 13 month ago, and realized he was right, maybe he truly was clairvoyant.

Since that day, our little Cassie has grown to be a young, beautiful, and smart young lady.  She is now Married to a wonderful guy “Matt”, both are living in Indianapolis.

Cassie & Matt

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